We all need to get things done, right?
This free template allows you to plan out tasks and also look back to see if things turned out the way you had planned.
Download the free template
You can download the file here or here from my OneDrive (file 00099)
Watch my YouTube video
Here are a few things that I forgot to mention:
1) The ‘Planned’ and ‘Actual’ input areas are tables. You can add more rows if you have more tasks.
In sheet ‘3 Data’, go to cell BA25 and press the tab key. This will add a new row to the table. Now, do the same in the bottom right cell for the ‘Actual’ table (cell BA274). The formula in the new row of the ‘Actual’ table should update so that whatever you type in the new ‘Planned’ row will be visible in the new ‘Actual’ row.
2) There are hidden rows between the ‘Planned’ and ‘Actual’ input areas. You can unhide these rows if you need to.
hi, thanks for this template , i would like to mention the months , instead of dates ,please suggest.