Free Excel template: Multi Quote Budget

Use this free Excel template to compare various quotes for each budget item. See how much you would save by changing the quote.


Set-up Steps

Before entering your data there are a few set-up steps:

  • 1) Give your budget a name
  • 2) Enter target budget amount
  • 3) Type or paste in ‘Vendor names’
  • 4) Enter ‘Budget Categories’ & ‘%Target’


Enter your data

For each budget item (each row is an item) here’s what you do:

  • 1) Select a category
  • 2) Type in a budget item,
  • 3) List up to 3 different quotes (select ‘Vendor’ & enter ‘Quote’)
  • 4) Select a winning quote for each item (each row is an item).


How can I reduce the overall budget cost?

You might need to reduce the overall budget.  The formulas on the right hand side show you how much money you would save by changing the quote.


Download the free template:

Download the template here or via my OneDrive (file 00022)


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1 Comment Free Excel template: Multi Quote Budget

  1. cat

    hi – i’m using your quote comaprison sheet and its great.
    But i’m working in Vietnamese Dong so i need to increase the width of the cells on some of the sheets to allow for their currency numbers being so long.
    I’ve unprotected the sheet but i can’t seem to do that.
    Can you please lmk if that’s possible and how?



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